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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : necessary time for one calcul with nvidia gtx770

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jerome lavigne
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Message 34062 - Posted: 28 Nov 2013 | 23:47:55 UTC


I have a little question about GPUGRID under BOINC.
My computer need 9h for a short run (2-3h on fastest card). For an another project, BOINc tell me that 29h are necessary to do a long run (8-12h on fastest card).
I have i5 750 who run at 3.2Ghz, 4gb of RAM at 1600mhz and one GTX770.
I have the latest version of nvidia driver, and boinc v7.2.28

I asking to me if it's normal? I haven't, i hope, a slowy card.

this is a screen capture of my boinc calcul :

Thank's for your help!

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Message 34064 - Posted: 29 Nov 2013 | 2:44:19 UTC - in response to Message 34062.

Don't worry, your 770 is not a slow card. The 29 hours is only an estimate. Probably it will require 12 hours or less. If it requires much more than 12 then you have a problem, for example, your GPU might not be running at its highest clock speed. The disk that accompanies your 770 probably has an application that allows you to check the clock speed. Or you can use GPU-Z.

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jerome lavigne
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Message 34065 - Posted: 29 Nov 2013 | 8:03:11 UTC - in response to Message 34064.

I'm saved, it's just an estimate,approximatly 10 hours to made the calcul!


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Message 34066 - Posted: 29 Nov 2013 | 8:50:23 UTC - in response to Message 34065.

C'est bien!

If you like to earn lots of credits, you can chose the long runs exclusively in your GPUgrid website preferences. They earn more credits than short runs and are intended for faster cards like your 770. The short runs are for older, slower cards. The beta test tasks also earn good credits. They tend to be short but sometimes they crash
BOINC <<--- credit whores, pedants, alien hunters

jerome lavigne
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Message 34077 - Posted: 29 Nov 2013 | 22:55:35 UTC - in response to Message 34066.

merci pour le conseil!
Je ne fait pas la chasse au point, mais j'ai quand même choisi de ne prendre que des long run. Vu ma carte graphique, cela est plus adapté au projet je pense, les cartes moins rapide pouvant traiter les short run.
Mon but est plutôt l'aboutissement des recherches :)

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Message 34081 - Posted: 30 Nov 2013 | 0:36:09 UTC - in response to Message 34077.

Je suis convaincu qu'ils apprécient toute aide que vous pouvez donner.

BOINC <<--- credit whores, pedants, alien hunters

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : necessary time for one calcul with nvidia gtx770
