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Message boards : Server and website : Team and/or profiles with bad HTML rendering?

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Profile Chilean
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Message 38312 - Posted: 5 Oct 2014 | 17:47:27 UTC

I have a BOINC-wide team and for most projects all the "<br>" code in the description renders as "&#xD;"; this error propagates to most BOINC projects (including GPUGRID), but I don't know why. In the "main website" of the BOINC-wide teams, the "<br>" code renders correctly in the team description and so it does in other few projects... anybody know why? My team is NOT the only one affected by this by the way.

Example of this "bug":

Example of how it should look like:

Thanks for you time.

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Message boards : Server and website : Team and/or profiles with bad HTML rendering?
