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Jozef J
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Scientific publications
Message 36284 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 1:37:29 UTC

How this is actually the issuance of badges for publications ..?
Why does the user of rac 5,982.65
and komlet credit of about 6 million -- he has 9 Publications badges???!!!!

And we who take part in daily to millions of rac have nothing. look like fools.

Exactly this problem has long been recognized and most people can make fun of it.
For it is better just to take part, as indeed is participating in this project

I hope that you immediately change the rules for issuing badges for publications, otherwise I'll really look like a fool as we daily throws millions of rac

Jozef J
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Message 36285 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 2:16:28 UTC - in response to Message 36284.

Another one - Credit: 16,181,924
RAC: 694 he have Top 100% badge in PNAS2011 ....For what it actually is? For participation or top 100%? After all, but in 2011 there were many people of much greater participation .. so why?
There is really no logic or system giving out badges for publications.

Jozef J
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Message 36288 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 2:45:18 UTC - in response to Message 36285.

Credit: 175,056,967
RAC: 270,525
Another one - has 12 badges and began only in 2011 ... it may take some scrypt of luck in programming??
Can we find a lot of mistakes, and we only in valuation of participants .. If we start to think..

Jozef J
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Message 36289 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 2:53:15 UTC

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Top 75% badge in PNAS2011...just make me LOL
This will be good fun during all the Easter))

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Message 36291 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 3:45:23 UTC
Last modified: 15 Apr 2014 | 3:52:11 UTC

Jozef J,

Or how about me (RaymondFO*):

Current RAC: 4,692,973 (As of 15 April 2014, currently number 2 in overall RAC for GPUGRID.NET)*
Current total credit (as of this writing): 1,768,581,996 (Currently number 6 overall)*
No publication badges (as of 15 April 2014)
(*) - Positions and RAC do fluctuate

How is this possible? Very easy.

Here are some variables to consider about the awarding of publication badges: Depending upon when you joined GPUGRID; where the GPUGRID people were with their research AT THE TIME OF YOUR CONTRIBUTION; and how much resources you devoted to GPUGRID during that time period where the data for that specific research publication derived. I really suspect it was a matter of timing since if I joined in early 2012 instead of the latter part of the year, I would have a publication badge. These are some of the variables involved with acquiring publication badges. It is all in the timing and how long you have been crunching here.

Please note that since I joined in November 2012, no research publications have been published or announced with the data from all GPUGRID crunchers have processed. I suspect this will change at some point in the future. In fact, I am not expecting any publication badges until 2015. These people need time to review the data, come to their conclusions, verify, do peer reviews, more verification, write the paper, discuss their findings, double and triple checking their findings, etc. This takes a lot of time and effort and does not occur overnight.

Now your postings could suggest that some people have low output but have many publication badges. They probably have been here for a while and simply crunch what they can. As a general rule of thumb, and granted this is my observation, the longer you have crunched here, the greater the number of potential publication badges a person should acquire. It is that simple.

Be patient. You and I will at some point get our publication badges providing you crunch here long enough. Until then, I have my Histidine level badge and now I am going for the Phenilalanine level badge, and with that I learn something new about my next level of amino acids.

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Message 36294 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 8:24:18 UTC - in response to Message 36291.
Last modified: 15 Apr 2014 | 8:24:59 UTC

Raymond is right. It's a question of timing. 2013 was a year of nearly no publications as we switched the whole team, so we had to start new projects, aquire skills etc. Now publications are starting to flow again (I got 2 of them this year) so badges should start coming too. There is also the question of how often we update badges which is typically once per year. We can try to update them sooner if we get more publications out.
But doing it every time we publish a paper is a bit of a time waste unfortunately as it requires some manual work.

Long story short, by the end of this year you should all have badges :)

Profile dskagcommunity
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Message 36295 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 8:25:29 UTC - in response to Message 36291.
Last modified: 15 Apr 2014 | 8:26:42 UTC

They probably have been here for a while and simply crunch what they can. As a general rule of thumb, and granted this is my observation, the longer you have crunched here, the greater the number of potential publication badges a person should acquire. It is that simple.

Be patient. You and I will at some point get our publication badges providing you crunch here long enough. Until then, I have my Histidine level badge and now I am going for the Phenilalanine level badge, and with that I learn something new about my next level of amino acids.


additional it depends on what queue the specific publication ran at. When only doing long units but the publication depend on short units only you will get no badge because you simply done no work for that.
DSKAG Austria Research Team:

John C MacAlister
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Message 36300 - Posted: 15 Apr 2014 | 10:48:41 UTC - in response to Message 36294.

That's good, thanks!!

Raymond is right. It's a question of timing. 2013 was a year of nearly no publications as we switched the whole team, so we had to start new projects, aquire skills etc. Now publications are starting to flow again (I got 2 of them this year) so badges should start coming too. There is also the question of how often we update badges which is typically once per year. We can try to update them sooner if we get more publications out.
But doing it every time we publish a paper is a bit of a time waste unfortunately as it requires some manual work.

Long story short, by the end of this year you should all have badges :)

Jozef J
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Message 36334 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 20:33:04 UTC

Credit: 175,056,967
RAC: 270,525
Another one - has 12 badges and began only in 2011 ... it may take some scrypt of luck in programming??
Can we find a lot of mistakes, and we only in valuation of participants .. If we start to think..

Jozef J
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Message 36335 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 20:35:42 UTC

as I have already referred, you are not able to change the logic by handing out badges for publications .. it looks like it is absolutely arbitrarily ..

Jozef J
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Message 36336 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 20:39:25 UTC - in response to Message 36335.
Last modified: 16 Apr 2014 | 21:25:08 UTC

I know a forum is not in English where it already years of internship and make fun from bdges scientific publications system ... example a single man again after 3 years began to count GPUGRID and suddenly I saw the 6 badges trophies in-complete without jobs-three years

Jozef J
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Message 36337 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 20:40:29 UTC - in response to Message 36334.

Explain how's of 12 badges got??

Jozef J
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Message 36338 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 20:56:05 UTC - in response to Message 36294.

Raymond is right. It's a question of timing. 2013 was a year of nearly no publications as we switched the whole team, so we had to start new projects, aquire skills etc. Now publications are starting to flow again (I got 2 of them this year) so badges should start coming too. There is also the question of how often we update badges which is typically once per year. We can try to update them sooner if we get more publications out.
But doing it every time we publish a paper is a bit of a time waste unfortunately as it requires some manual work.

Long story short, by the end of this year you should all have badges :)

I'm doing this for everybody who is in their own head not occurred.
In order for all had badges-who deserve it for participating

Jozef J
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Message 36340 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 21:18:51 UTC - in response to Message 36291.

Jozef J,

Or how about me (RaymondFO*):

Current RAC: 4,692,973 (As of 15 April 2014, currently number 2 in overall RAC for GPUGRID.NET)*
Current total credit (as of this writing): 1,768,581,996 (Currently number 6 overall)*
No publication badges (as of 15 April 2014)
(*) - Positions and RAC do fluctuate

How is this possible? Very easy.

Here are some variables to consider about the awarding of publication badges: Depending upon when you joined GPUGRID; where the GPUGRID people were with their research AT THE TIME OF YOUR CONTRIBUTION; and how much resources you devoted to GPUGRID during that time period where the data for that specific research publication derived. I really suspect it was a matter of timing since if I joined in early 2012 instead of the latter part of the year, I would have a publication badge. These are some of the variables involved with acquiring publication badges. It is all in the timing and how long you have been crunching here.

Please note that since I joined in November 2012, no research publications have been published or announced with the data from all GPUGRID crunchers have processed. I suspect this will change at some point in the future. In fact, I am not expecting any publication badges until 2015. These people need time to review the data, come to their conclusions, verify, do peer reviews, more verification, write the paper, discuss their findings, double and triple checking their findings, etc. This takes a lot of time and effort and does not occur overnight.

Now your postings could suggest that some people have low output but have many publication badges. They probably have been here for a while and simply crunch what they can. As a general rule of thumb, and granted this is my observation, the longer you have crunched here, the greater the number of potential publication badges a person should acquire. It is that simple.

Be patient. You and I will at some point get our publication badges providing you crunch here long enough. Until then, I have my Histidine level badge and now I am going for the Phenilalanine level badge, and with that I learn something new about my next level of amino acids.

Jozef J
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Message 36341 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 21:22:04 UTC - in response to Message 36340.

Current RAC: 4,692,973 (As of 15 April 2014, currently number 2 in overall RAC for GPUGRID.NET)*

How would you be satisfied if the level RAC also started randomly allocated as scientific badges ..??

Which would mean that your 4 million rac would suddenly rewarded-level badges participating only ... he he

Jozef J
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Message 36342 - Posted: 16 Apr 2014 | 21:23:26 UTC - in response to Message 36291.

Raymond --How would you be satisfied if the level RAC also started randomly allocated as scientific badges ..?? ???????

Profile dskagcommunity
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Message 36353 - Posted: 17 Apr 2014 | 16:26:14 UTC
Last modified: 17 Apr 2014 | 16:26:30 UTC

Whats going on here? Why dont you use the Edit Function insteed posting 10 single Posts? Thats absolut unreadable..
DSKAG Austria Research Team:

Profile Mumak
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Message 36354 - Posted: 17 Apr 2014 | 16:38:14 UTC


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Message 36356 - Posted: 17 Apr 2014 | 16:49:00 UTC - in response to Message 36341.

Current RAC: 4,692,973 (As of 15 April 2014, currently number 2 in overall RAC for GPUGRID.NET)*

How would you be satisfied if the level RAC also started randomly allocated as scientific badges ..??

Which would mean that your 4 million rac would suddenly rewarded-level badges participating only ... he he

It is obvious you do not, nor are you willing you understand how publication badges are awarded as it's a question of timing, not randomness. If you had joined six months earlier you probably would have a publication badge right now.

If you are looking for someone to blame or instigate an issue that does not exist, look in the mirror and ask yourself why you did not join during January 2012.

Profile MJH
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Message 36400 - Posted: 18 Apr 2014 | 21:13:42 UTC
Last modified: 18 Apr 2014 | 21:15:49 UTC


In the interests of brevity, perhaps you could restate your monologue as a concise question?


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